Drake and 21 Savage have finally served what they’ve been cooking up with the release of their joint album, Her Loss. The album comes after a week’s delay, due to Drake’s producer 40 catching COVID-19 while mastering, and a brief promotional cycle involving fake press opportunities. It’s the latest in a string of collabs from the rappers, after 21 stole the show on Drake’s “Jimmy Cooks” earlier this year and joined Drake on 2021’s “Knife Talk.” Her Loss is entirely executive-produced by Drake and 21 Savage. The 16-track album includes four Drake solos and one 21 Savage solo. Both rappers appear on the remaining 11 tracks, including “Pussy & Millions,” which also features Travis Scott. The cover is a photo of Qui Yasuka, a model known as Suki Baby. On the first track of the album, Drake asks, “21, can you do something for me?” Listen to what those treacherous little twins did together below.